We're shutting down: Everything's on sale

This is Stately Type Germany Week, which means I'll be furiously designing and sharing Germany-themed t-shirts all week.

Since I've never been there, I've been soaking up your suggestions (thank you!) and taking a internet-fueled crash course in German culture, history, symbolism, and art. It's nowhere near enough, but hopefully it'll get me through the week without embarrassing myself.

I know you guys already know this, but Germany is AMAZING. A few things that have jumped out at me so far:

  1. The SWEET two-headed black eagle that has been used as a symbol for the region since Roman times.
  2. The insanely ornate and utterly beautiful traditional Black Forest cuckoo clocks.
  3. Blackletter
  4. The simple shapes, bold colors, and intricate arrangements of German folk art. (I especially love hex signs—do they count as German?)
Any other ideas? Anything I'm missing (or getting wrong)? Let me know on Instagram.