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A patchwork quilt I made with my cute daughter for her wonderful teacher. Quilt by Maker Valley / Holly Lesue. Fabric from Zippyboro’s Neverland line.

My cute girl wanted to make a quilt for her teacher who is pregnant for the first time! She is a big Disney fan so I used quite a few pieces from @zippyboro’s Neverland line mixed with other aqua, navy, and low volume fabrics.

A patchwork quilt I made with my cute daughter for her wonderful teacher. Quilt by Maker Valley / Holly Lesue. Fabric from Zippyboro’s Neverland line.

I had the perfect flannel backing and just enough batting and we finished it juuuuust in the nick of time for the surprise baby shower the students threw their teacher today!

A patchwork quilt I made with my cute daughter for her wonderful teacher. Quilt by Maker Valley / Holly Lesue. Fabric from Zippyboro’s Neverland line.

Nothing like last-minute quilt-making right before you go out of town to see how you can perform under pressure! 😅