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WIP Division quilt by Maker Valley / Holly Lesue. Quilt pattern by A Bright Corner

My quilt top is finished and ready to go to my quilter! Hobble Creek Quilting, I’m coming for you! Now I’m faced with The Great Dilemma: how to quilt it!

The quilt pattern is called Division by A Bright Corner (aka Andy Knowlton) and has been on my list of quilts to make ever since I watched her whip it up at a quilt retreat in Idaho ~4 years ago! This pattern, it’s fun, fast, and easy! I just love it! 

Division quilt by Maker Valley / Holly Lesue. Quilt pattern by A Bright Corner / Andy Knowlton

Another thing I’m loving right now is that our mountains are starting to turn green as we approach my favorite month of the year here in Utah, June!! 💚🌳🌹🌼☀️⛰ @statelytype and I are ready and anxious to discover new hikes this year!

I dug into my beloved Denyse Schmidt stash for this quilt and love it even more because of that. I decided last year to start using the fabric I have been saving that I love so much instead of just letting it sit on my shelf. My family uses and loves the quilts I make, so why not put more love into them in the first place, right?