We're shutting down: Everything's on sale

Every week, I design a new location-themed t-shirt. ...ok, almost every week. To kick off each week, I ask my Instagram followers to vote on the week's destination—they can cast a vote for any US city, US state, or country in the world. The place that picks up the highest number of votes wins and I start designing t-shirts based on that city, state, or country.

This week, Seattle narrowly beat out California and Missouri which makes this Stately Type Seattle Week! I'm busy designing Seattle tees now and throughout the week, I'll post them here and on Instagram. At the end of the week, I'll put the designs up for another vote to decide which one I will produce and sell here on statelytype.com.

Here's my first Seattle design—a hand-lettered "Seattle Wash. The Emerald City" in black on an emerald green tri-blend tee. What do you think?