We're shutting down: Everything's on sale

No vote this week, guys. Instead, I've got something REALLY exciting to announce: The first ever Stately Type Design Duel! This week, I'm going head-to-head in a t-shirt design showdown against the insanely talented Jake Parker (Instagram, FacebookWebsite).

We'll both be designing and posting t-shirt mock ups throughout the week. At the end of the week, I'll put our top designs up for a vote on my Instagram account. Only the winning t-shirt design will be produced and sold on statelytype.com.

The winning designer will be showered with rose garlands, fame, and unimaginable glory while the loser will live out the rest of his days stewing in large bowl of disgraced—slowly bubbling—shame soup. So, yeah. The stakes are HIGH.

Jake and I have decided that a duel this epic can't be confined to designing a t-shirt for a mere city, state, or country. No! This week, we'll be designing t-shirts for an entire planet! Welcome to Stately Type Mars Week!