We're shutting down: Everything's on sale

Rainbow Pixelated Heart Quilt by Maker Valley

Last week while @statelytype & I were on vacation, we met up with my favorite sunshine girl, Katie from @justaddsunshineinc!

Maker Valley (Holly Lesue) Honey Jane Quilts (Melissa White) and Just Add Sunshine (Kate Sabin)

On our last day, we hung out on the beach with my other favorite CA girl, @honeyjanequilts, and our kids had so much fun together!

Katie brought her Rainbow Pixelated Heart quilt with her for a photo op which was perfect because ☀️+ 🌊 = ♥️ It was the perfect ending to a pretty great trip!

 I still have some of these rainbow pixelated heart kits in my shop as well as a few other color ways.

Just Add Sunshine by Katie Sabin 

Earlier in the week we stopped by Katie’s house and I couldn’t stop drinking in all the color and cheerful decor that quite literally line her walls! 😍😍😍

Just Add Sunshine by Katie Sabin 

I also couldn’t stop taking pictures and my girls (and I) couldn’t stop raiding her sticker collection! 😬

 Just Add Sunshine stickers by Katie Sabin

She sells these and more in her Etsy shop and they are just so much fun & so cheerful! Be sure to check them out!

Just Add Sunshine by Katie Sabin

It was such a dreamy trip that I’m already planning our next one! Sorry/not sorry Dave! @statelytype